

Posted by Jay on February 19, 2019


  • AtomicXXX主要包含AtomicBoolean,AtomicInteger,AtomicLong,AtomicReference这几种类型,这几种类型的变量相对于普通变量的区别,主要体现在读写的线程安全上。对原子变量的写是原子的(比如多线程下的共享变量i++就不是原子的),由CAS操作保证原子性。对原子量的读可以读到最新值,volatile关键字来保证可见性
  • 原子变量多用于数据统计(如接口调用次数)、一些序列号生成(多线程环境下)以及一些同步数据结构中。


public class AtomicLong extends Number implements {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1927816293512124184L;

    // 基于Unsafe的CAS操作实现变量的原子更新
    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    // AtomicLong实例的volatile long类型变量value的内存偏移量
    private static final long valueOffset;

     * Records whether the underlying JVM supports lockless
     * compareAndSwap for longs. While the Unsafe.compareAndSwapLong
     * method works in either case, some constructions should be
     * handled at Java level to avoid locking user-visible locks.
    // 记录底层JVM是否支持long类型变量的无锁化CAS操作
    static final boolean VM_SUPPORTS_LONG_CAS = VMSupportsCS8();

     * Returns whether underlying JVM supports lockless CompareAndSet
     * for longs. Called only once and cached in VM_SUPPORTS_LONG_CAS.
    // 判断底层JVM是否支持long类型变量的无锁化CAS操作
    private static native boolean VMSupportsCS8();

    static {
        try {
            // 计算value变量的内存偏移量
            valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); }
	// volatile变量,保证内存可见性
    private volatile long value;

    // 创建初始值为initialValue的AtomicLong实例
    public AtomicLong(long initialValue) {
        value = initialValue;

    // 创建初始值为0的AtomicLong实例
    public AtomicLong() {

    // 获取当前值value
    public final long get() {
        return value;

    // 将当前值设置为newValue
    public final void set(long newValue) {
        value = newValue;

    // 最终将value设置为newValue,lazySet(unsafe.putOrderedLong)为延迟操作,
    // 并且不保证值的改变被其他线程立即看到
    public final void lazySet(long newValue) {
        unsafe.putOrderedLong(this, valueOffset, newValue);

    // 原子地将value设置为newValue,返回旧值
    public final long getAndSet(long newValue) {
        return unsafe.getAndSetLong(this, valueOffset, newValue);

    // CAS,如果当前value=expect,则原子地将当前value设置为update
    public final boolean compareAndSet(long expect, long update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(this, valueOffset, expect, update);

    // JDK8实现与compareAndSet(long expect, long update)一致
    public final boolean weakCompareAndSet(long expect, long update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(this, valueOffset, expect, update);

    // 原子地将value加1,返回旧值
    public final long getAndIncrement() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, 1L);

    // 原子地将value减1,返回旧值
    public final long getAndDecrement() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, -1L);

    // 原子地将value加delta,返回旧值
    public final long getAndAdd(long delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, delta);

    // 原子地将value加1,返回最新值
    public final long incrementAndGet() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, 1L) + 1L;

    // 原子地将value减1,返回最新值
    public final long decrementAndGet() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, -1L) - 1L;

    // 原子地将value加delta,返回最新值
    public final long addAndGet(long delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddLong(this, valueOffset, delta) + delta;

    // 将updateFunction应用到当前值,得到欲更新的值,并CAS原子化地更新,返回旧值
    public final long getAndUpdate(LongUnaryOperator updateFunction) {
        long prev, next;
        do {
            prev = get(); // 获取当前值
            next = updateFunction.applyAsLong(prev); // 以当前值prev为参数,调用applyAsLong,得到next,以next为更新的值
        } while (!compareAndSet(prev, next)); // CAS,直到成功
        return prev; // 返回旧值

    // 将updateFunction应用到当前值,得到欲更新的值,并CAS原子化地更新,返回新值
    // 逻辑与getAndUpdate(LongUnaryOperator updateFunction)一致
    public final long updateAndGet(LongUnaryOperator updateFunction) {
        long prev, next;
        do {
            prev = get();
            next = updateFunction.applyAsLong(prev);
        } while (!compareAndSet(prev, next));
        return next;

    // 以当前值和x为参数,应用accumulatorFunction,得到欲更新的值,并CAS原子化地更新,返回旧值
    public final long getAndAccumulate(long x, LongBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction) {
        long prev, next;
        do {
            prev = get(); // 当前值
            next = accumulatorFunction.applyAsLong(prev, x); // 欲更新的值
        } while (!compareAndSet(prev, next)); // CAS更新
        return prev; // 返回旧值

    // 以当前值和x为参数,应用accumulatorFunction,得到欲更新的值,并CAS原子化地更新,返回新值
    // 逻辑与getAndAccumulate(long x, LongBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction)一致
    public final long accumulateAndGet(long x, LongBinaryOperator accumulatorFunction) {
        long prev, next;
        do {
            prev = get();
            next = accumulatorFunction.applyAsLong(prev, x);
        } while (!compareAndSet(prev, next));
        return next;

    // 该实例的字符串表示
    public String toString() {
        return Long.toString(get());

    // 转为int类型值
    public int intValue() {
        return (int)get();

    // long类型值
    public long longValue() {
        return get();

    // 转为float类型值
    public float floatValue() {
        return (float)get();

    // 转为double类型值
    public double doubleValue() {
        return (double)get();
